Performance Lab

At Haley Strategic headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona, we offer our D7 Performance Lab, powered by VirTra simulators. Modeled as our version of a Sports Performance Center for shooters, our D7 course curriculums draw on the science of human movement (biomechanics), interaction with machines (ergonomics) and mental processing (cognitive science and conative science) while operating in a safe and constructive learning environment for shooters of every experience level.

D7 Performance Lab training evolutions are designed to help students understand how situations can escalate in a matter of seconds, and more importantly how to understand yourself in those situations in order to maintain control and deliver optimal performance. We currently offer courses for law enforcement, military, and responsible armed citizens across Handgun, Carbine, Low light, Night curriculums and Judgmental Use of Force.

Simulator Firearms

D7 courses employ real firearms featuring VirTra’s state of the art laser systems and C02 recoil kits. The drop-in laser system is installed directly into the OEM bolt carrier while a CO2 magazine supplies realistic recoil for an immersive training experience. VirTra’s recoil kit provides realistic live fire recoil including correct cyclical rate, allowing students to easily and safely familiarize a weapon’s handling and improve shooting skills.

With any real world scenario, the confidence of knowing where your shots are going is absolutely critical. VirTra’s Marksmanship Software captures real time ballistic information and displays shooting performance in real time providing immediate feedback for the student behind the gun. The VirTra system also allows students to send more rounds downrange by eliminating the time constraints posed by target setup, reloads and weather conditions. With more trigger time and immediate tangible data, the D7 simulation training accelerates students through the learning curve to achieve tangible shooting  improvements.


Training simulations are meticulously crafted from first hand, real world experiences to ensure every aspect of every scenario reflects maximum realism. Training scenarios are complex and have extensive branching options so they can unfold entirely based on the real time communications and actions of students inside the simulation. In addition to reflecting real-life, the complexity of the scenarios offered also encourages maximum learning, cognitive load, and skill-building retention.

Our D7 Performance Lab features VirTra’s V-100 firearms simulator offering an indoor flat range designed to teach, test, and sustain students' knowledge and skills by offering weapon manipulation drills and marksmanship training. The simulated flat range allows our training cadre to swiftly move students through courses of fire by altering targets, drills, lighting, and atmospheric conditions to push students past their comfort zones into transformational learning experiences.

Our D7 Performance Lab also features VirTra’s V-300® firearms training simulator, offering an immersive 300-degree reality-based situational training environment. This intense, immersive training environment takes into account every detail, both on and off screen. From the smallest pre-attack indicators, to the most cognitive overload stimuli situations imaginable, the V-300® allows students to truly experience judgmental use of force and decision-making training.

Why Simulation Training Works

The key to becoming “world-class” in any domain of performance is by engaging in deliberate practice. Following this concept, D7 Courses offer more shots downrange in smaller classroom settings, thus accelerating peak performance attainment through more efficient practice. With VirTra simulators, students can expect to run through a 1,000 round training block in 20%-40% less time than with live fire ranges where weather conditions, reloads, target inspection, target marking, target taping and course of fire setup impede the overall time spent behind the gun.


In addition to accelerated training cycles, simulated scenario-based training offers unique defensive shooting and judgmental use of force opportunities seldom afforded outside of elite military training (force on force, simunition exercises, etc.). The ability to “train like we fight and fight like we train'' simply cannot be replicated in live fire training with respect to stresses, both psychological and physiological, that are experienced in real world situations. This same concept is commonly applied in the aviation industry where pilots rely heavily on simulation based training that cannot be safely replicated in real world flight scenarios.